Preparing for tech interviews? Start with these 10 must-solve LeetCode problems that cover essential concepts like arrays, linked lists, dynamic programming, and binary search. These problems are frequently asked in interviews and help you build a strong foundation in problem-solving and coding efficiency. Here’s a quick overview:
- Two Sum: Use hash maps for efficient O(n) solutions.
- Reverse Linked List: Master pointer manipulation in linked lists.
- Maximum Subarray: Apply Kadane’s algorithm for O(n) optimization.
- Merge Two Sorted Lists: Combine linked lists with O(n+m) time complexity.
- Binary Search: Perfect your divide-and-conquer strategy.
- First Bad Version: Use binary search to find faulty versions efficiently.
- Climbing Stairs: Solve step problems with dynamic programming.
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock: Optimize profits with single-pass solutions.
- Valid Parentheses: Practice stack-based string validation.
- Rotate Array: Manipulate and rotate arrays with minimal complexity.
These problems not only sharpen your coding skills but also prepare you for real-world challenges faced in technical interviews. Start practicing today to improve your problem-solving speed and confidence.
How to Solve ANY LeetCode Problem (Step-by-Step)
1. Two Sum
Two Sum is a classic problem often used in technical interviews to test algorithmic thinking. The task is simple: identify two numbers in an array that add up to a specific target. While the problem seems basic, it introduces important concepts like arrays, hash maps, and analyzing time complexity.
A common and efficient solution runs in O(n) time, leveraging a hash map to store complements while iterating through the array:
def twoSum(nums, target):
num_dict = {}
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if target - num in num_dict:
return [num_dict[target - num], i]
num_dict[num] = i
This method highlights how selecting the right data structure can significantly boost performance. It’s crucial to account for edge cases, such as empty arrays, duplicate numbers, or scenarios where no solution exists.
Two Sum frequently appears in popular interview problem sets like Blind 75 [4][5], underscoring its importance in technical assessments. With this foundational problem covered, let’s move on to another key challenge involving linked list manipulation.
2. Reverse Linked List
The Reverse Linked List problem is a common interview question designed to challenge your skills in pointer manipulation and memory handling. It involves reversing the pointers in a singly linked list, which is a fundamental task when working with data structures.
Here’s a simple and efficient iterative solution in Python:
def reverseList(head):
prev = None
current = head
while current:
next_temp = = prev
prev = current
current = next_temp
return prev
This solution focuses on three main ideas: adjusting pointers, managing memory carefully, and using an iterative approach. A frequent mistake is losing track of nodes during the process. To prevent this, you need to manage three pointers: previous, current, and next.
The problem also tests your ability to:
- Break down a complex task into smaller, logical steps
- Handle edge cases like an empty list or a single-node list
- Write clean and efficient code while under time constraints
Its inclusion in the Blind 75 list underscores its relevance. Now that we’ve tackled the basics of linked lists, we can move on to a challenge that emphasizes optimizing subarray calculations.
3. Maximum Subarray
The Maximum Subarray problem is a well-known dynamic programming challenge often featured in interviews at leading companies. The goal? To find the contiguous subarray with the highest sum, a task that highlights key optimization techniques.
Kadane’s algorithm is the go-to solution here. It runs in O(n) time and uses O(1) space by keeping track of the maximum sum at each step:
def maxSubArray(nums):
max_current = max_global = nums[0]
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
max_current = max(nums[i], max_current + nums[i])
max_global = max(max_global, max_current)
return max_global
This method works by maintaining two variables: max_current
, which tracks the maximum sum ending at the current position, and max_global
, which holds the overall maximum sum encountered so far. It’s a concise yet powerful demonstration of dynamic programming principles.
Why is this problem a favorite in interviews? It evaluates several critical skills:
- Recognizing Patterns: Understanding how local decisions influence the overall result.
- Optimization: Transitioning from a basic O(n²) brute-force approach to an efficient O(n) solution.
- Handling Edge Cases: Dealing with scenarios like arrays filled with negative numbers or even empty arrays.
Beyond the interview setting, this problem has practical applications. For example, it’s used in financial analysis to pinpoint periods of maximum profit. When solving it, avoid brute-force methods; instead, focus on how each element plays a role in starting or extending a subarray.
Mastering this problem not only solidifies your dynamic programming skills but also prepares you for tackling more advanced challenges. With that covered, let’s move on to a problem centered on merging sorted data structures.
4. Merge Two Sorted Lists
Merging two sorted linked lists is a well-known problem that tests your understanding of linked lists and your ability to write efficient code. It’s also highly practical, often used in scenarios where ordered datasets need to be combined.
Here’s a straightforward iterative solution that gets the job done:
def mergeTwoLists(l1, l2):
dummy = ListNode(0)
current = dummy
while l1 and l2:
if l1.val <= l2.val: = l1
l1 =
else: = l2
l2 =
current = = l1 if l1 else l2
This code works by iterating through both lists, comparing their values, and appending the smaller node to a new result list. Once one list is fully traversed, the remaining nodes from the other list are added to the result. The approach maintains O(n + m) time complexity (where n
and m
are the lengths of the input lists) and uses O(1) additional space.
Why do interviewers love this problem? Because it checks several boxes: pointer manipulation, maintaining efficiency, and writing clean, readable code. It also assesses your ability to handle edge cases, like when one of the lists is empty.
This problem is a staple in technical interviews at top companies, making it a great one to master. Once you’re comfortable with it, you’ll find yourself better prepared to tackle a variety of linked list challenges.
Now that we’ve covered linked list merging, let’s dive into a key algorithm for searching sorted data efficiently.
5. Binary Search
Binary Search is one of the go-to algorithms for technical interviews. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft often use it to test a candidate’s ability to think logically and write efficient code.
The algorithm works by repeatedly cutting the search range in half, giving it a time complexity of O(log n). This makes it a must-know for tackling problems involving sorted data.
Here’s a straightforward Python implementation to illustrate the concept:
def binarySearch(nums, target):
left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if nums[mid] == target:
return mid
elif nums[mid] < target:
left = mid + 1
right = mid - 1
return -1
This algorithm helps develop critical skills for interviews: narrowing down search space, managing edge cases, optimizing time complexity, and applying divide-and-conquer techniques. The key is understanding how to define the search range, implement comparison logic, and update pointers correctly.
"Mastering core data structures, algorithms, and patterns is crucial for solving problems like Binary Search" [1].
One common mistake is falling into an infinite loop. To avoid this, ensure your loop and pointer updates bring you closer to a solution. Also, watch out for boundary conditions – these are often where subtle bugs creep in, and interviewers love to test your attention to detail.
Once Binary Search feels natural, you’ll be ready to tackle more advanced problems, like finding faulty versions in a sequence.
6. First Bad Version
This problem is a great example of how binary search can be applied to solve practical issues, like finding the first defective software release. It’s a common scenario in software testing and a favorite in coding interviews.
Here’s the Python code that solves it:
def firstBadVersion(n):
left, right = 1, n
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if isBadVersion(mid):
right = mid
left = mid + 1
return left
How it works: The algorithm zeroes in on the defective version by repeatedly checking the midpoint and adjusting the search boundaries. This approach is much faster than checking each version one by one, as it runs in O(log n) time.
"This problem emphasizes the practical application of binary search, a core algorithm often tested in interviews."
Common Mistakes to Watch For:
- Miscalculating the midpoint, especially with integer overflow in some languages.
- Setting incorrect boundary conditions, which can lead to infinite loops or missed results.
- Ending the loop too early, leaving the wrong version as the answer.
Why Companies Love This Problem
Tech giants like Microsoft and Google often use variations of this problem to gauge your ability to:
- Use binary search effectively in real-world scenarios.
- Handle tricky edge cases without breaking the logic.
- Turn inefficient brute-force solutions into optimized ones.
For beginners, this problem is perfect for building a strong foundation in binary search while also sharpening debugging and optimization skills – qualities that stand out in technical interviews.
Quick Tip: Practice solving it both iteratively and recursively to show flexibility in your approach during interviews.
Now that binary search is under your belt, let’s dive into a dynamic programming problem that challenges your step-by-step problem-solving skills.
7. Climbing Stairs
Climbing Stairs is a classic interview question designed to test your dynamic programming skills. The task? Figure out how many ways you can climb a staircase if you can take either 1 or 2 steps at a time.
Here’s a Python solution that highlights the dynamic programming approach:
def climbStairs(n):
if n <= 2:
return n
dp = [0] * (n + 1)
dp[1] = 1
dp[2] = 2
for i in range(3, n + 1):
dp[i] = dp[i-1] + dp[i-2]
return dp[n]
This problem emphasizes two key skills:
- Spotting patterns in recursive problems
- Balancing speed and memory usage in your solution
The logic starts with simple cases: 1 step has 1 way, and 2 steps have 2 ways. From there, the bottom-up dynamic programming method efficiently handles larger inputs. A popular variation of this problem includes assigning costs to each step and finding the path with the lowest total cost, adding another layer of complexity.
Interview Tip: When tackling this problem, focus on:
- Setting clear base cases
- Identifying recursive relationships
- Writing an iterative solution that avoids unnecessary computations
This challenge reflects real-world problem-solving, where breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable pieces is crucial. With this dynamic programming staple under your belt, let’s move on to optimizing stock trading strategies.
8. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
The "Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock" problem is a classic dynamic programming question often featured in interviews. It challenges candidates to think algorithmically while staying accessible for beginners. The task? Given an array of stock prices, figure out the maximum profit you can make by buying at a low price and selling at a high price.
Here’s a streamlined Python solution that uses a single-pass approach:
def maxProfit(prices):
if not prices:
return 0
min_price = float('inf')
max_profit = 0
for price in prices:
min_price = min(min_price, price)
max_profit = max(max_profit, price - min_price)
return max_profit
This algorithm works by keeping track of the lowest price encountered so far (min_price
) and calculating the potential profit at each step. The maximum profit is updated whenever a better profit is found.
Why This Problem Stands Out in Interviews
- Clear and concise problem statement: Easy to understand but requires a thoughtful approach for the best solution.
- Real-world relevance: Models scenarios in financial markets or data-driven decision-making.
- Efficiency: Solves the problem in a single pass with minimal space usage.
Interviewers often use this problem to assess a candidate’s ability to optimize solutions and pay attention to edge cases. The single-pass method is a great example of how tracking key values can lead to a clean and efficient solution.
Key Implementation Points
- Always track the minimum price before calculating potential profit.
- Handle special cases like empty arrays or prices that only decrease.
- Avoid unnecessary complexity like nested loops or extra variables.
For beginners, mastering this problem is an excellent way to build confidence in recognizing patterns and applying efficient algorithms. The emphasis should be on simplicity and precision, which are critical during interviews.
Next, we’ll dive into a challenge that focuses on logical validation and balancing.
9. Valid Parentheses
The Valid Parentheses problem is a great way to test your understanding of stacks and string handling. It’s straightforward but offers enough depth to challenge problem-solving skills, making it a go-to question for freshers.
Here’s a Python solution that handles it efficiently:
def isValid(s):
stack = []
pairs = {')': '(', '}': '{', ']': '['}
for char in s:
if char in pairs.values():
elif char in pairs:
if not stack or stack.pop() != pairs[char]:
return False
return len(stack) == 0
This problem emphasizes three important areas: using stacks, dealing with tricky edge cases, and writing code that’s clean and easy to maintain.
The approach involves:
- Using a stack to keep track of opening brackets.
- A hash map to match closing brackets with their corresponding opening ones.
- Careful validation to handle mismatched brackets or unexpected characters.
Common variations include:
- Working with multiple types of brackets.
- Calculating how deeply brackets are nested.
- Validating strings that mix brackets with other characters.
This logic has real-world applications, like syntax checking in code editors or evaluating mathematical expressions in calculators. Tackling this problem helps you prepare for more advanced data structure challenges often seen in technical interviews.
Now, let’s move on to a problem focused on array manipulation and rotation.
10. Rotate Array
The Rotate Array problem is a classic interview question that tests your ability to manipulate arrays and think algorithmically. While it might seem straightforward, it offers various solution techniques that challenge your problem-solving skills.
Here’s a Python example of an efficient approach:
def rotate(nums, k):
n = len(nums)
k = k % n
nums[:] = nums[-k:] + nums[:-k]
This task sharpens your skills in:
- Array manipulation: Learning to manage indices effectively and address tricky edge cases.
- Balancing speed and memory: Understanding trade-offs between execution time and memory usage.
Common Challenges
- Handling edge cases: Managing scenarios like empty arrays or rotation values larger than the array length.
- Memory usage: Achieving solutions that use minimal extra space, ideally O(1).
- Improving performance: Optimizing from a naive O(n*k) solution to a more efficient O(n) approach.
Using the modulo operator (k % n
) is a game-changer here. It simplifies situations where the rotation value exceeds the array length, making your solution cleaner and faster.
Interviewers often use this problem to evaluate your coding abilities, logical thinking, and optimization techniques. Mastering Rotate Array prepares you to tackle more complex array-based challenges, making it a must-know for coding interviews.
Wrapping Up
By tackling these problems, you’re setting yourself up to handle the challenges of technical interviews with confidence. These exercises strengthen your ability to think algorithmically and solve problems – skills that top tech companies look for.
Regular practice is crucial. Data from LeetCode shows that candidates who practice consistently have a 40% higher success rate in technical interviews [2]. Dedicate time daily to practice and revisit problems you’ve already solved to deepen your understanding.
Platforms like KodNest, Scaler, Udemy, and UpGrad can complement your LeetCode sessions. They offer structured courses, mock interviews, and industry-specific advice to enhance your preparation while providing helpful feedback.
To truly excel, focus on more than just memorizing solutions. Make sure you:
- Understand the core principles and optimization strategies
- Clearly explain your approach during problem-solving
- Build confidence through steady, consistent practice
Preparing for interviews takes time and effort, but with persistence and the right resources, you’ll be ready to face any technical challenge.
Which LeetCode problems should you practice for an interview?
When preparing for technical interviews, focus on problems that are frequently asked and cover key concepts like arrays, recursion, dynamic programming, and efficient data structures. These areas are essential for tackling a wide range of interview questions.
Here are some tips to guide your preparation:
- Use curated lists: LeetCode’s Blind 75 and Top Interview 150 are excellent resources to cover important topics systematically [3].
- Understand patterns: Focus on recognizing problem-solving patterns. Explaining your approach clearly can make a strong impression during interviews [2].
- Time your practice: Solve problems within 45 minutes to simulate real interview conditions and improve your speed and confidence.
- Experiment with approaches: Try solving problems in different ways to deepen your understanding and develop flexibility in your thinking.
Consistent practice is crucial. Studies show that candidates who stick to a regular practice routine often perform better in technical interviews [2]. Start with simpler problems to build your confidence, then gradually move on to more challenging ones as your skills grow.