Learn to handle exceptions and errors in Java applications using try-catch blocks to ensure robust and error-free code.
Understand how to use the throw keyword to explicitly throw exceptions and the throws keyword to declare exceptions that a method might throw.
Ensure the execution of crucial code by using the finally block, which runs whether or not an exception is thrown.
Learn how to create custom exceptions to handle specific error scenarios in a more controlled and meaningful way.
Explore the concept of multi-threading in Java by learning how to create and manage threads to perform multiple tasks simultaneously within your application.
Learn to synchronise threads to manage access to shared resources and prevent data inconsistency and race conditions.
Understand the methods for communication between threads, such as wait(), notify(), and notifyAll(), to coordinate their actions.
Utilize Java's concurrency utilities, such as the Executor framework, locks, and concurrent collections, to simplify and optimize multi-threaded programming.